Navigating benefits doesn’t have to be stressful or challenging. Nayya delivers personalized decision support and guidance during open enrollment, via a quick, 10-minute survey that will determine the right level of coverage based on your unique needs. Nayya’s easy-to-use platform is designed to help you feel more confident in your benefits decisions, and provides personalized insights powered by a combination of billions of data points and patented machine learning technology.

What is Nayya? Nayya is an easy-to-use, data-driven platform designed to guide you through open enrollment with personalized insights so you can feel more confident in your benefits decisions.

How does this impact me? On July 13, 2022, you can expect an invitation to log in and claim your account. You’ll take a quick, 10-minute survey that will determine the right level of coverage based on your unique needs.

How can I learn more? You can visit to learn more, or reach out to with questions.