EMS ISD is proud to offer our employees a medical partnership with Be Well Primary Care!
What is Be Well Primary Care?
- A doctor’s office (not urgent care) staffed by a physician on-site and medical personnel.
- Can act as a primary care physician or supplement your current medical services. Utilizing their services does not commit an employee to any long-term obligation.
- Conveniently located near the intersection of I-35W and North Tarrant Parkway.
- Available Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. with extended hours until 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday.
- Focus is on adults, age 16 years and up.
- Same-day or next-day appointments for EMS ISD!
- Provides access to a network of specialists.
- Quest Diagnostic Lab on-site and in-network for Be Well Primary Care patients.
Programs and Services
Note: The benefits listed below are for employees of EMS ISD. An employee’s spouse is eligible to receive a $25 gift card for receiving an annual exam. This does not include the children of EMS ISD employees.
Annual Wellness Checkup – includes office visit and routine labs, with a focus on prevention and long-term health goals as well as management of complex/chronic diseases.Insured employees- No cost for checkup
- Identify yourself as an EMS ISD employee and receive $75 gift card for completion of the checkup
- If your spouse complete’s an annual wellness checkup they will receive a $25 gift card
Uninsured employees- $35 co-pay for office visits and routine labs. Cost of these services outside of this partnership is approximately $300.
Same-day or Next-day Appointments – includes appointments for sick care or maintenance of chronic/complex health.Insured employees- District covers first $200 of out-of-pocket cost
- Discounts on services
Uninsured employees- District covers cost of the appointment – up to two appointments per year. Labs and prescriptions are the responsibility of the employee.
- Discounts on services
Weight Loss Program – Ideal Protein, a medically developed and doctor-supervised weight loss program that includes a 4-phase approach with weekly individual coaching sessions. Only offered with support from a medical office.Program costs include:- Introductory education session
- Meals & snacks
- Weekly coaching visits
- Daily online videos for questions and support
Note: The District is currently reviewing possible program rules to support employees who utilize this weight loss program. We encourage employees to consider this program individually; however, at this time the District is not financially supporting the decision.
*Provisions of the medical access program outlined above apply only to employees regularly scheduled to work 30 hours or more per week or who participate in TRS Active Care.
**In order to receive benefits noted under the “Insured” column, the employee must participate in TRS Active Care or have health insurance through another provider. Employees participating in the program are required to provide insurance information to the medical provider at the time services are rendered.
***Benefits included in the district medical partnership outlined above apply only to services provided by Be Well Primary Care. Services provided by other physicians or locations are not included in these benefits.
Be Well Primary Care
Dr. Radhika Vayani
3800 N Tarrant Pkwy Suite #210
Fort Worth, TX 76244
(682) 593-6660
Plan Information